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What a glorious day in the woodland!  Wildlife Watch held a Spring Spotting and Nest Building activity in the Woodlands on Monday 14th April.  As well as trying to find all the flowers and blossom on our Spring spotting charts, we also had a really fun time trying to build our own bird’s nest.  This proved to be much, much harder than we imagined!  We gathered twigs, feathers, moss leaves and tried to find suitable places to site our nests. Here are some pictures to show what we achieved.  At the end of the activity, we put chocolate eggs in our nests to test how stable and secure they were.  We are full of admiration for the amazing engineering talents and skills of our feathered friends!  Our next activity will be in June.  Please keep a look out for posters in the village and also on the Woodland Web site.

Click on a thumbnail to see a larger version.








Page last updated: 14.4.2014

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