TarvinOnline logo

                logo designed by Barry Hillier.                                                                                               we are Tarvin Community Woodland Trust Ltd.

Jim Grogan School Award 2024 The winner this year is Phoebe Allen.  On July 16th there was a whole school assembly where the head, Andy Davies, read out the citation and Trustee Charles Bradley presented Phoebe with a plaque and Book token.  Full details of the background and photos are in Tarvin on-line.

Green Flag (Community) Award Yes, we’ve done it again!  We’ve just won our 15th consecutive award that shows we meet the global standard for well-managed open spaces.  This reflects the financial and voluntary effort that the Tarvin Community provides to keep it running.  Thank you, Tarvin, and we’ll apply for 2025, too.

Friends of Tarvin Woodland: Click here to download a Standing Order Form and Gift Aid Form
 Please send the completed standing order form and gift aid form to John Daines, who will add a code, copy it and send it to your bank

A Different local Woodland Walk (No Dogs)  Try William’s Wood - click for details and rules

Tarvinonline We are lucky in Tarvin to have an on-line daily news web site.  It is always looking for news stories and there has been a good supply related to the Woodland.  To save you digging, here is a list of many such pieces.  Click on the links below to access the full articles in Tarvinonline.  The photos have been contributed by Keith Barker and the articles by Charles Bradley, Trustee.  Oldest first.

What's on at the Community Centre?
Sponsors and providers of our legal services
Co-op logo

Site last updated:    25.7.2024


Popular Walks

WI plants tree

Social Distancing

Wilding Area part 1

Wilding Area part 2





Black Poplar


Wood Anemones

Exceptional Times

Flag Irises


Midland Red Hawthorn

Hawthorn / May


WI meeting


Meadow buttercups

Cow parsley




Birds Foot Trefoil


Coppiced Hazel

Wild Arum



Rowan or Mountain Ash

Guelder Rose

English Yew


Purple Loosestrife

Bracken and Ferns


The Orchard

(not) Apple Pressing

Bird Boxes


Usage Survey Dec 20

Woodland in Winter

School Award 2020

Night time sounds

Support for TCWT



Hazel Catkins


Usage Survey Mar 21

New Noticeboards


Photos for Spring

“Dead” Hedge


Evening walk

Snake’s Head Fritilary

Plant Sale 2021

Great Tit

Apple Blossom

Blue Tit

Long-Tailed Tit

Spring Colours

Plant Sale 2021


Bird Surveys



Summer Flowers

Saving the Black Poplar

Usage Survey Jun 21








Pipistrelle Bats

Photo Quiz

Usage Survey Jun 21

Green Flag 2021

Bug Hotels

Stuart Exell

Legacy - Pics 1

Legacy - Pics 2

Bird Box Usage


Grey Heron




Wild Flowers

Plant Sale 2022

Carbon Capture

13th Green Flag

Tarvin 5K and 1K runs

Friends of Tarvin Woodland








Welcome:                                                                                                                              [top of page]
The scheme to by-pass the village of Tarvin included screened open space between the village and the new road to reduce the impact of the road on the existing community.  Over the last twenty odd  years, a major village asset has been created from that space.  The Tarvin community has given over 10,000 hours of voluntary effort resulting in an area of woodland that now contains several hundred planted oak and other native hardwood trees together with a growing selection of wild flowers, birds and small animals.  Its footpaths, informal tracks and adjacent bridleway are well used.  Come and enjoy our living legacy. click to see the gates (pdf Document)

The government published “Community-led spaces”, a guide for local authorities and community groups.  This woodland is used as a case study on page 28.   Click to download the booklet.

In Britain we have one of the most crowded, modified landscapes in the world.  Pressure on land continues to damage and fragment habitats of our native trees and wildflowers.  The creation of Tarvin Community Woodland is a long term environmental scheme to provide an area that allows native flora and fauna to flourish.  Please protect and enjoy the countryside and preserve it for future generations to come.

Pass a few hours: Click for pics taken in the woodland during 2020 and 2021

Walks: A series of walks around Tarvin is now available for you to enjoy.  They vary from a walk around the central part of the village through medium walks of about 4 miles up to some of 10 miles, all with Tarvin as start and end point.  Click on the link to read about them and download details.

We are also listed in John Harris’s “Walking in Cheshire”, where there are free walks to download.

Help us. We are here as part of the community and do not have a monopoly of ideas so, if you can help or have ideas or suggestions then we want to know.  Alternatively, we may be able to help you based on our experiences.  [click to email us] 

Suppliers.  We use local suppliers like Darts Chester for sweatshirts, Easylife for tools and equipment,  Cestrian Signs for signage and Turner Groundscare for mowers.

Donations.  If you’d like to help us then  click here. You could sponsor a bird box for £30.

Tarvin Civic Trust supported the Conservation Area in the Village Centre and other aspects of the village’s built environment for 50 years.  Due to a lack of volunteers to run it, it has been disbanded.    Click for more info.

Stuart Exell In October 2021, Stuart, our chair for the last 10 years, passed away. Click for an appreciation

Page last updated: 9.11.2024

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