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Trees and Plants

There’s a large number and wide variety of trees and plants in the woodland.  During the last couple of years a survey has been undertaken by local biologist Bob Armitage and the results may be seen here.  A surprisingly large number of species.

See some pictures here.

Birds and Animals

Bird life is extensive and has become more prolific since the woodland has been brought back into management.  The laying of a hedge that had been neglected for 25-30 years let light into the wooded area behind Crossfields and the removal of sycamores in that area opened the canopy to let more light in.  The result has been that there has been vigourous growth of plants and bushes that are starting to provide a field layer and understory.  Residents report increased birdlife.

In addition there is a programme to instal bird boxes throughout the woodland.  Early bird boxes made of wood were attacked by grey squirrels and metal plates on the front merely got them to eat their way in through the back.  Currently there are about 50 numbered boxes made of “woodcrete” that are squirrel proof.  They have been supplied by Jacobi Jayne and many are sponsored by members of the community who each receive a certificate.  There are also some bat boxes and larger boxes for owls or kestrels.

 Click for Birds in 2014     Click for birds in 2015

Page last updated: 9.6.2015

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