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The following grants were received in the year ending February 2016

** Tarvin Parish Council has again given £1,000 as an annual contribution to the basic running costs of the Trust.  These include insurance, rent and memberships. 

Barclays’ Employee Community programme raises £6,600 for Tarvin Community Woodland.

Tarvin resident and Barclays employee Jonathan Sears, whose house adjoins the woodland, decided to help the Trust via Barclays’ Employee Community programme. 

Barclays Bank employs nearly 3,000 people at its Technology Centre based on Radbroke Hall south of Knutsford.  Each year the employees can nominate four charities to benefit from the scheme and this year Tarvin Community Woodland Trust was one of those selected.  In September there is a Family Fun Day held in the grounds of Radbroke Hall and the employees and their families have a great variety of stalls and activities to enjoy. 

Activities before the day raised £750, so we had received £1,500 with the matched funding.

On September 5th several trustees and volunteers went to Radbroke Hall and assembled the carefully prepared stall.  Each of the four charities has space to set up a stall to suit its needs.  All the money taken on the day is aggregated and divided equally amongst the charities with Barclays matching the day’s takings pound for pound.

Our main activity, for children of all ages, was to knock down trees with bean bags (in this case painted pictures on hinged pieces of wood).  It was on an “everyone a winner” basis and attracted many participants who made plenty of noise, indicating a high enjoyment level.  There was also a display of photographs showing various aspects of the woodland and some of the birds that live there.

Barclays staff raised £2500, which meant that with matched fundraising from Barclays, the Woodland Trust raised £5000 from the day.  When this is added to the money raised and matched in June plus other takings, the total equates to £6600 towards our planned aquatic area in the woodland.

Jonathan said: “We are delighted with the amount raised for Tarvin Community Woodland Trust and would like to thank everyone who supported us to make this happen.”

Thank you very much, Barclays staff.

Page last updated: 30.10.2015

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