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The following grants were received in the year ending February 2015

** Tarvin Parish Council has given £1000 as an annual contribution to the basic running costs of the Trust.  These include insurances, rent and memberships. 

** Cheshire West and Chester Councillors have given £328.48 towards the cost of re-siting a gate on the bridleway adjacent to the woodland. 

It had been pointed out that wheelchair or mobility scooter users approaching the woodland from Townfield Lane or Crossfields had to negotiate a horse riders’ gate before reaching the Trust’s RADAR gate.  Councillors John Leather and Hugo Deynam thought that this would be a good use for some of their discretionary spend for the local community.

                   Newly positioned gate               

Original position of gate, next to kissing gate access.

Page last updated: 4.9.2014

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