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The following grants were received in the year ending February 2009

** The Trust applied to the CSV Action Earth project sponsored by Morrisons supermarkets and in August 2008 won £50 towards the cost of a disabled access gate at the Broomheath Lane end of the woodland. The gates are equipped with RADAR locks.

** The Trust applied to Grassroots, the funding arm of Cheshire Community Action.  With several acres of open grassland to keep mowed and increasing lengths of hedge to trim, there was a need to acquire powerful and reliable equipment.  Following the loan, by the neighbouring Broomheath Plantation, of a DR mower in the autumn of 2008 we had got the open areas back under control and were convinced of the need to have such equipment for our own use.  After a successful bid for funds we received £3,000 towards the cost of the mower, a 42” cutter deck attachment, hedge trimmer and spares that we now have.  In April 2009 during a spell of fine weather the woodland was given its first cut, taking three long days.  It is now in regular use.  At the Cheshire Show in June 2009 the Grassroots  stand featured this as one of their significant community grants.

** A bid was made to Chester and District Housing Trust for money to improve access for people, including those with disability, at the Townfield Lane end of the woodland.  A grant of £520 enabled the construction of a disabled access gate with a kissing gate and a length of fencing.**

** Chester Voluntary Action, acting for the Western Cheshire PCT Small Grants Fund, gave us £450 to hire a chipper with operators for two days.  We had a collection of tree prunings from the “crown raising” programme, a large quantity of brambles that had been cleared and other woody rubbish.  This was all turned into chippings and will be returned to the soil.  It will contribute to improving the health and well-being for people from Tarvin and other visitors to the woodland.

Page last updated: 12.9.2012

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