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The following grants were received in the year ending February 2018

** Tarvin Parish Council has again given £1,000 as an annual contribution to the basic running costs of the Trust.  These include insurance, rent and memberships. 

** The George Heath Foundation has made a donation of £600.  This has been used to part fund the new information boards that will inform visitors about the background and future intentions for the woodland. 

 George Heath was a 20 year old Tarvin man who died in a tragic road accident. 

GHF_logo     Click for more information and photos.

He has not been forgotten and, to celebrate his memory, a Charitable Foundation has been created to provide aid to those local individuals and organisations operating in Tarvin and the surrounding villages, which seek to promote community cohesion, citizenship, health, physical and emotional well-being, the advancement of amateur sport and the educational needs of the wider community.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Thank you very much.

** The Co-op Local Community Fund has awarded £1,875.22

Users of Tarvin’s Co-op store have been contributing to the Local Community Fund scheme that supports local charities.

The net result has been a donation of £1,875.22 to our Community Woodland.  This money will help to develop some specific  improvement projects.

                                  THANK YOU TARVIN

Local Community Fund

Page last updated: 28.4.2018

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